Kamis, 29 Januari 2009

"dare to try.,., failure or success is only a positive reaction of trying failure is a positive reaction to reach successsuccess is a positive reaction to achieve another success or a better one try to write a book for people.,., who never dare to try try to assist people to try to achieve success from trying try to help people.,. dare to try doing thing for positive reaction.,.,.

what you gonna to do without people around you.,., and what you `ll be if there no one beside you,.,

could you imagine what was gone.,.,.

when you fell if you are the winner.,. in this part even you as a leader its no

mean you are every thing its just lucky one you are in the top but actually the main thing you must prove that how responsibility you are.,., to get success to get growth together.,., kesedihan yang paling sedih adalah bukan saat kamu menangis tapi disaat kamu tertawa bahagia, namun tidak ada seorang pun yang bisa kamu ajak untuk ikut tertawa.,.,

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